
Cup of Tea

The story begins in 2006, ordained as a monk at temple right at the very top of the mountain ridge, assessable through only a single winding road, in the small tea producing town of Santi Khiri, Doi Mae Salong, Chiang Rai.

Spent afternoons sweeping the temple grounds of fallen leaves and looking forward to enjoying a simple cup of tea, which was a locally grown artisanal oolong with a rich alluring aroma, the tea fields literally only a few minutes walk from the temple gates. In a small rustic hut on a hillside, dimly lit and only a single well used teapot. Four monks gatherd around a teapot, each with a tiny cup in hand. Accompanied by a single dollop of glistening, velvety artisanal palm sugar that we shared, it revived our energy as well as a perfect match for the aromatic oolong.

Inside that hut, time stood still, the sounds of nature passed through the walls as tea was enjoyed and the small teapot was replenished repeatedly. The flavourful brew was slowly and meditatively sipped and the tea steeped into our souls. A time to be one with nature, sipping tea produced from the fields nearby each savouring the simple taste. Somehow it became a profound moment where every small detail came together to create such a perfect tasting experience. Tea has never been the same since that moment and will continue to brew within me.